Your Fun, Flexible, & Funded Future™
Life Reimagined Day
Working women and moms are thriving building a secure future for their families. You excel in career, motherhood, auntiehood, and are COO of your household on a daily basis.
Did You Know? More than 60% of women stated that they retired earlier than planned and 66% retired for reasons outside their control (Ref. Goldman Sachs).
Plus, women live longer than men. Living longer means greater financial risks such as inflation, outliving assets, death of a spouse or partner, and unexpected health costs. Women need more resources to cover their longer retirement and prevent falling into poverty (Ref. Wiser Women).
How often do you explore what it means to retire?
What does retirement mean to you? Have you rolled over old retirement accounts into a secure growth account?
Join Dr. Jenn for a legacy and lifestyle design day at a luxury location in the Dallas area (or virtually). Take time to reimagine your future. This exclusive exploration and planning day will offer you a chance for a one-on-one deep dive to create a strategy that aligns with your legacy building and lifestyle goals.
Ensuring a comfortable, financially flexible life is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Social security was never intended to fully support anyone.​
What do you have in place for yourself to securely grow your finances without the risk? Have you forgotten about money in a prior employer's retirement plan?
Retirement strategy requires careful consideration of various factors, such as preferences, interests, income, expenses, investments, and risk.
Our team will guide you through an interactive and reflective consulting experience. The 4-hour session will offer you personalized advice and strategies to maximize your savings potential as a working woman, mom, or auntie.
Let us help you maximize your savings and equip you with the skills to make informed decisions about your financial future. Do your part to steward your provision. Choosing to wait could mean it’ll be too late. Express interest in the Life Reimagined Day today. We look forward to partnering with you on this journey.
PS. Need a working meeting? Shorter appointments are also available to support immediate financial and retirement questions and rollover applications for you and your business. Workplace retirement plans are only optimized during the time you are employed with that organization.