Financial Literacy Loungeâ„¢
Access The Private Podcast
Launch your own transformative financial journey with Savvy in the Lounge.
In an 8-podcast series, we will unveil the strategies of women wealth holders and the art of financial independence. Episodes include EFF&% Fanfare, What Happens When Life Happens?, The Nation's Wealthiest Women, and others.
Elevate your understanding of financial literacy principles, secure financial growth, and the finer nuances of economic empowerment.
Dr. Jenn has curated a collection of priority hot topics to inspire your refined next steps toward estate expansion. Immerse yourself in a 112-minute, self-paced listening experience where financial literacy meets real life.

Academic Affluenceâ„¢ Master Class
Get College Paid For - Reduce Your Loans
Enjoy the Academic Affluenceâ„¢ Master Class hosted by Dr. Jenn. The 55-minute, self-paced learning session contains 23 ways to get college paid for, plus a guide, notes, transcript, and private podcast edition. An excellent way to prepare for your VIP Day.

Nonprofit B-Schoolâ„¢
Increase Your Savings and Donations
Discover your nonprofit's potential and customize your growth path starting today. Nonprofit B-School offers strategies to start and grow your organization. Expand your impact and reach by personalizing our system for your goals. Improve your nonprofit money mindset and learn what goes on behind the scenes of major successful nonprofits. (Desktop users: Scroll down to register.)